Sunday, June 19, 2011

Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis of Banking Malware-Based Attacks

I presented on the topic of threat modeling of banking malware attacks at the Security Summit conference in Rome, Italy and at the OWASP Appsec EU conference in Dublin Ireland. A new application threat modeling methodology called P.A.S.T.A. (Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis) is featured, this can be used as risk framework for analyze malware-based threats and the impact to online banking applications.
P.A.S.T.A has a provisional patent from US Patent Office and will be published in a book on Application Threat Modeling  co-authored by myself and Tony UV to be published this year. There is also a new threat modeling tool, "ThreatModeler" developed by MyAppSecurity Inc that support this methodology. So far the presentation had good reception and comments, you can follow these comments on the OWASP Linkedin group. Some companies also posted comments herein.
The business impact of banking malware-based attacks for financial institutions today can no longer be neglected since it consists on several millions of dollars in fraudulent transactions, replacing compromised bank accounts as as well as potential legal costs for law suits in case the bank account compromised are business accounts.  The impact for banks due to banking malware attacks is also increasing worldwide: in the U.S.A. alone, according to data from FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) that were presented by David Nelson at RSA Conference in San Francisco last February, during the third quarter of 2009, malware-based online banking fraud rose to over $ 120 million. In the UK, according to data from the UK Cards Association, losses from the online banking sector due to credit card theft totaled 60 million pounds during 2009.  The aggregated losses suffered by banks because of banking malware attacks is very significant and cannot no longer be neglected: according to Gary Warner, director of research in computer forensics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham,“Just one of the Zeus controllers steals about $10 million a week from the United States,”. Targets are web applications, financial data and authentication data:  according to the data breach investigation report of Verizon in 2010 the top five types of data sought by attackers are credit card and authentication data and web applications are the primary target for these attacks since constitute the attack path sought for the highest percentage of data record breached (38% of overall).

To mitigate banking malware threats online banking applications need to be resilient and bullet proof to banking malware attacks and implement new countermeasures. But the first step in threat mitigation with countermeasures is to understand the threat and the threat agents to procect from. Today, banking and malware attacks come from fraudsters and cybercrime threat actors, these are financially motivated, part of organized cybercrime groups and use sophisticated crimeware tools specifically designed to attack banking sites online. To mitigate these threats businesses and specifically financial need to adopt a new risk mitigation strategy and adopt a risk analysis process that allows to understand the new threat scenario of banking malware and to analyze the banking malware attack vectors.  For example, in the typical banking malware attack, initially the banking malware is dropped into the victim's PC either by social engineering the victim with phishing by infecting the victim;s browser with drive by download. After the banking malware has infected the victim's PC, since will be undetected by most of antivirus, it will be transparent to the user and wait for when the user log into the online banking site. At this point, the banking trojan on the infected PC will inject HTML directly into the user's browser (outside of security controls of the site)  by presenting extra data fields that seek to harvest the victim's PII data such as CCN, CVV, PINs and SSNs. Later on when the user will perform an high risk transactions such as a wire transfer, will transfer money from the victim account  to a fraudulent account controlled by the fraudster. The transaction will occur as authentic since is done by the frauster on behalf of the user by using the user's session. 
Stages of P.A.S.T.A. (Process For Attack
Simulation and Threat Analysis)
Understanding the threat scenario of banking malware is the first step, the next one is to adopt an effective risk mitigation strategy that includes people prepared to learn/deal/respond to new threats and attacks, processes that identify security design flaws in applications and gaps in current security controls and innovative tools and countermeasures that mitigate the risk posed by banking malware and cyber threats and the attacks realized by these threats such as Man In The Middle and Man In The Browser attacks.
Regarding the application risk mitigation processes, we are promoting P.A.S.T.A. (Process for Attack Simulation and Threat Analysis).  This is a process designed to mitigate the risk represented by cyber threats to on-line applications in general, including banking malware threats. This process is conducted in seven stages, each stage has specific objectives. For the use case of banking malware, the focus and objectives of each of the seven stages is outlined herein:

The first stage focuses on the understanding of malware-based threat mitigation as a business problem: the objective is to understand the business impact, determine the risk mitigation objectives and derive security and compliance requirements to achieve these objectives.

The second stage consists on the definition of the technical scope for the analysis that consists on the on-line banking application and the production environment. This stage consists on documenting the application profile and gather all application "design blueprints" such as architecture design documents, sequence diagram documents and transaction flow diagrams for all use cases and transactions of the application.

The third stage focuses on the analysis of the on-line banking site from the perspective of secure architecture. This consists on identifying the application existing security controls and the dependencies of application functions/transactions from these. The scope is to support the threat analysis of the effectiveness of security controls in mitigating the threats.

The fourth stage consists on the gathering of threat and attack information from threat intelligence and from internal sources. The objective is to learn from the attack scenarios and the attack vectors used by different banking malware. Internal incidents and security events are then correlated to banking malware attacks and are also used to qualify the likelihood and impact of banking malware threats.

In the fifth stage, the threat analyst looks at the potential application vulnerabilities and the design flaws identified by other assessments such as black box (e.g. pen test) and white box (e.g. source code analysis)security testing. These are the vulnerabilities  that can possibly exploited by banking malware. This analysis of vulnerabilities in this case ought to be "end to end", that is from the client/browser to the servers (e.g. web server, app servers) and back-ends systems (e.g. middleware and mainframes) that are used by the online banking application. A generic correlation framework for mapping of vulnerabilities to threats can also used to identify which vulnerabilities can be potentially exploited by banking malware (e.g. browser vulnerabilities, session management vulnerabilities).

The sixth stage consists on analyzing and simulating the attack scenarios as the attackers will do by using the same attack vectors used by malware. The purpose of this exercise is to identify IF and WHICH vulnerabilities and weaknesses such as design flaws in the application are exploited. This stage includes the analysis of banking malware attacks using attack trees, the analysis of attacks as these will the vulnerabilities using attack libraries and the analysis of the abuse of security controls for hacking financial transactions using the "use and abuse cases" techniques. At this stage, design flaws and gaps of security controls in the application are identified both at the application-architecture level and at the function-transaction level.

Finally, in the last stage, risk managers can analyze the risks and impacts and formulate the risk mitigation strategy for mitigating risks of banking malware. The basis of the risk analysis is the categorization and calculation of the risk factors (e.g. threats, attacks, vulnerabilities, technical and business impact) and the calculation of risks of each exploit with qualitative and quantitative risk models. The risk mitigation strategy includes both preventive and detective controls, defense in depth criteria for application of countermeasures at different layers of the application (browser, web application, and infrastructure) as well as new governance processes: risk based testing, improved fraud detection, threat analysis and cyber-intelligence.

The ultimate goal was to be able to provide application security practitioners with different roles and responsibility (e.g. appsec/infosec risk managers and application security architects), a use case example of P.A.S.T.A ™ threat modeling for modelling banking malware attacks, identifying gaps in security controls-vulnerabilities and identifying protective and detective countermeasures that can be rolled out by following a risk mitigation strategy. The application risk framework provided seek to empower risk management to make informed risk management decisions to protect online banking applications from banking malware.